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who we are and what we do services contact

WHO we are and WHAT we do

ELEMO S.R.L., a commercial society with totally private capital, was founded in 1994, and for the beginning until now our area of activity is execution and repairing aerial electrical networks on 0.4 - 20 – 110 – 220 – 400 - 750kV. Recently (since 2006) we had the debut into designing electrical networks 0.4 - 110 kV.

The organization has up to 60 employees, most of them specialized in realization of aerial electrical networks. So far we have executed numerous turnkey works of running repairs and capital repairs of 0.4 - 20 - 110 - 220 – 400 - 750 kV electrical lines. We have also participated in many breakdown retrievals.

We executed and finalized the mounting of over 2000 km of OPGW on LEA 110 – 220 – 400 – 750 kV in Romania. We participated in execution of LEA 400 kV d.c. in Greece with the company Atermon SA Athens. We mounted with the helicopter conductors on LEA 110 kV in Greece with the company Atermon SA Athens.

Our staff’s expertise and the good endowment with specific equipments, cars, devices and tools determined the decreasing of costs and deadlines, thus ensuring safe working conditions for people and environment.

The management of the company is permanently concerned with the technological innovations in the field, allocating the necessary resources for the permanent endowment of the company. We set out to prepare ourselves to be able to participate in the assembly of the wind turbines as soon as possible. We Want to extend our collaboration with Romanian or foreign partners.

Some of our clients (and the list can continue)

Enel Distribuţie (Dobrogea, Muntenia, Banat), Transelectrica (Constanţa, Bucureşti, Bacău, Craiova, Cluj), Romelectro (Bucureşti), Elm Electromontaj (Cluj), Electromontaj Carpaţi (Sibiu), Electromontaj (București), Electrogrup (Cluj), SISEE (Constanţa, Galaţi), Smart (Constanţa, Galaţi, Bucureşti), Energobit (Cluj), ELCOMEX I.E.A. (Cernavodă), ATERMON SA (Atena, GRECIA), T.I.A.B. (București), Electrica Transilvania Nord & Sud.


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